Teen Vogue

50% of every sale goes to March For Your Lives

50% of every sale goes to March For Your Lives



Gun violence is a daily reality for teens. It is important that we take action and we are doing so by encouraging young people across the country to be educated about their vote. That’s why Teen Vogue is stepping up. We are dedicating our PopSockets grips to March For Our Lives, an organization that funds gun violence research, and advocates for a movement that proves young people do have the power to create real change.


March For Our Lives was created by the students of Parkland, Florida to assure that no special interest group or political agenda is more critical than the timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country. We demand morally-just leaders to rise up from both parties in order to ensure public safety. As an organization we want to remind young people across this country that not only does their vote matter, their voice does as well. It's going to take all of us to end the senseless gun violence.